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October 22, 2017
Top 10 Most Amazing Madagascar Animals
October 22, 2017Hello friends how are you all? Today we are going to talk about the Top 10 Amazing Sahara Desert Animals In The World. So friends here is the list of Top 10 Amazing Sahara Desert Animal In The World.
Top 10 Amazing Sahara Desert Animals In The World.
10. Golden Jackal.
In the list of Top 10 Amazing Sahara Desert Animals In The World Golden Jackal is at no 10. This is the 10th Amazing Sahara Desert Animal In The World and also on our list. This animal is a canine.
This animal is only found in the southeastern and central Europe, Asia Minor, the Middle East, and South Asia. This animal looks like a small wolf.
This animal adapted the Sahara desert weather very well. The length of this animal can grow up to 2 to 3 feet and the weight of this animal can grow up to 13 kg. The scientific name of this animal is Canis aureus.
The color of this animal is light in summer and when the winter season comes to their color change into the dark.
This color-changing technique helps them to maintain body temperature in both seasons in Sahara deserts. This is one of the most Amazing Sahara Desert Animal.
9. Horned Viper.
In the list of Top 10 Amazing Sahara Desert Animal In The World, Horned Viper is at no 9. This is the 9th Amazing Sahara Desert Animal In The World and also on our list. Horned Viper is a snake that is only found in the Sahara desert of Northern and Eastern Africa.
The scientific name of this snake is Cerastes cerastes. This is a large snake and also very dangerous because of its venom.
This snake got its name because of its appearance because this snake has two horns above its eyes. The length of this snake can grow up to 2 feet and the color of this snake is sand color.
The venom of this snake contains 13 types of toxins which is very dangerous. They adapted the Sahara desert weather very well and they mostly hunt in the night. This is one of the most Amazing Sahara Desert Animals.
8. Dorcas Gazelle.
In the list of Top 10 Amazing Sahara Desert Animals In The World, Dorcas Gazelle is at no 8. This is the 8th Amazing Sahara Desert Animals In The World and also on our list. This animal is also known as the Ariel gazelle.
The scientific name of this animal is Gazella Dorcas. This animal is only found in the Sahara desert. This animal in danger.
This is a social animal that is only found in small groups. They can live without water for a long period because they adopted the Sahara desert weather very well.
They consume the moisture from their food. The length of this animal can grow up to 100 cm and the weight of this animal can grow up to 15 to 20 kg. This is one of the most Amazing Sahara Desert Animals.
7. Addax.
In the list of Top 10 Amazing Sahara Desert Animals In The World Addax is at no 7. This is the 7th Amazing Sahara Desert Animal In The World and also on our list. This animal adapted the Sahara desert weather very well.
This animal is only found in the isolated areas of the Sahara desert. This animal is in danger because of only less than 500 addaxes left in the world.
This animal is also known as the white antelope and the screwhorn antelope. The scientific name of this animal is Addax nasomaculatus. The addax is the most desert-adapted of the antelopes.
The height of this animal can grow up to 100 cm and the weight of this animal can grow up to 100 kg. The length of its horns can grow up to 3 meters. This is one of the most Amazing Sahara Desert Animals.
6. Scarab Beetle.
In the list of Top 10 Amazing Sahara Desert Animals In The World, Scarab Beetle is at no 6. This is the 6th Amazing Sahara Desert Animal In The World and also on our list. The scientific name of this beetle is Scarabaeidae. This beetle can be found in 30,000 different species.
The lifespan of this beetle is 3 to 6 months and the length of this beetle is 4 to 6 cm. They can found almost all around the world and they adapted the Sahara desert weather very well.
They live in burrows. Dung beetles are one of the most famous scarab beetle species and they are also the strongest beetle in the world. This is one of the most Amazing Sahara Desert Animals.
5. Desert Monitor.
In the list of Top 10 Amazing Sahara Desert Animals In The World Desert Monitor is at no 5. This is the 5th Amazing Sahara Desert Animal In The World and also on our list.
The scientific name of this animal is Varanus griseus. This is a species of monitor lizards which is only found in North Africa and Central and South Asia.
The maximum length of this animal is two meters and the speed of this animal is 20 miles per hour. They eat small insects and birds. They mostly hunt in the daytime.
They adapted the Sahara desert weather very well. They have strong limbs and a strong tail. This is one of the most Amazing Sahara Desert Animals.
4. Ostrich.
In the list of Top 10 Amazing Sahara Desert Animals In The World Ostrich is at no 4. This is the 4th Amazing Sahara Desert Animal In The World and also on our list. Ostriches are beautiful and the largest birds in the world. The size of an adult ostrich 6 ft in height.
They are heavyweight birds near 150 kg. They adapted the Sahara desert weather very well. Ostriches have the reward of the fastest running birds on earth and the biggest egg also. They are flightless birds but run very fast at a speed of 70 km per hour.
They are commonly found in Africa. Ostriches like to eat seeds, shrubs, fruits, flowers, and small insects. Ostriches can hold up to 1.3 kilograms of pebbles.
They can live without water for several days. The strong long legs help them for the attack. They live in colonies or groups contains 10 to 50 birds.
Inbreeding season a female ostrich lay 60 eggs in a year. This is one of the most Amazing Sahara Desert Animals.
3. Fennec Fox.
In the list of Top 10 Amazing Sahara Desert Animals In The World, Fennec Fox is at no 3. This is the 3rd Amazing Sahara Desert Animal In The World and also on our list. This fox is also known as Fennec. The scientific name of this fox is Vulpes zerda.
This is a small nocturnal fox which is only found in the Sahara of North Africa. This fox has large ears that help them to save from heat.
The length of this fox can grow up to 20 cm and the weight of this fox is less than one kg. This fox adapted the Sahara desert weather very well.
The long ears of this fox help them to maintain the body temperature in the heat of the Sahara desert.
They can live without water for a long period. They live in burrows. This is one of the most Amazing Sahara Desert Animals.
2. Deathstalker Scorpion.
In the list of Top 10 Amazing Sahara Desert Animals In The World, Deathstalker Scorpion is at no 2. This is the 2nd Amazing Sahara Desert Animal In The World and also on our list. This is a dangerous species of scorpion.
This is a member of the Buthidae family. Israeli or Palestine yellow scorpion, Omdurman scorpion, Naqab desert scorpion are the other names of this animal.
The scientific name of this scorpion is Leiurus quinquestriatus. This scorpion has adapted the Sahara life very well. They can live on few insects for a year even they can consume the needed water from their food.
They hide in burrows, small cracks, and under the rocks to escape the hot hours.
Deathstalker is very dangerous because the venom of this scorpion can cause paralysis for an adult human. This is one of the most Amazing Sahara Desert Animals.
1. Dromedary Camel.
In the list of Top 10 Amazing Sahara Desert Animals In The World Dromedary Camel is at no 1. This is the Most Amazing Sahara Deserts Animal In The World and also on our list. Arabian camel is the other name of this animal.
This is a large animal with one hump on its back. This camel can be found in three different species and Dromedary Camel is the smallest camel in its species.
The scientific name of this camel is Camelus dromedarius. The lifespan of this animal is 40 years. This animal found in the rocky deserts of Central and East Asia.
This camel can live without water and food for 3 to 5 days. They adapted the Sahara desert life very well. The weight of this animal can grow up to 600 kg. This animal is mostly used to travel in the Sahara desert.