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September 19, 2017Hello friends how are you all? Today we are going to talk about the Top 10 Amazing Flightless Birds In The World. So friends here is the list of Top 10 Amazing Flightless Bird In The World.
Top 10 Amazing Flightless Bird In The World.
10. Tasmanian Native Hen.
In the list of Top 10 Amazing Flightless Bird, Tasmanian Native Hen is at no 10. This is the 10th flightless birds in the world and also on our list. This bird looks like a chicken.
Tasmanian Native Hen bird only founded in Tasmania which is the state of Australia. This heavy bird has very short wings, therefore, this bird is unable to fly.
But they run very fast the maximum speed of this bird is 30 Mph. These birds live in flocks and these birds also good in swimming. The scientific name on this bird is Tribonyx mortierii.
9. Cassowary.
In the list of Top 10 Amazing Flightless Bird, Cassowary is at no 9. This is the 9th flightless birds in the world and also on our list. This is a large flightless bird. This large bird only found in the wet tropical rainforests of Papua Guinea and Northeastern Australia.
The height of this bird is near about 55 to 79 inches and the weight of this bird is up to 58 kg. This is the 2nd largest bird in the world.
They have large legs with sharp claws which is very dangerous for them who want to attack this bird. The running speed of this bird is 31 Mph. The scientific name of this bird is Casuarius.
8. Inaccessible Island Rail.
In the list of Top 10 Amazing Flightless Bird Inaccessible Island Rail is at no 8. This is 8th flightless birds in the world and also on our list.
This is also the smallest flightless bird in the world. Island Rail birds only found on the volcanic Island in the Tristan archipelago. The total length of this bird is 17 cm.
The color of these birds is rusty-brown plumage and they live in small groups. The scientific name of this bird is Atlantisia rogersi.
7. Takahe Bird.
In the list of Top 10 Amazing Flightless Bird, Takahe is at no 7. This is the 7th flightless birds in the world and also on our list. The height of this bird is up to 24 inches and the weight of this bird is near about 3 kg.
This bird only found in Alpine grasslands of New Zealand. This is a very colorful bird. These birds are not able to fly because their body is heavy and their wings are too short.
They use their wings during courtship to attract the female bird. There is bad news that only 300 birds are alive in this world.
The scientific name of this bird is Porphyrio hochstetteri. This bird is one of the Flightless Birds in the world.
6. Guam Rail.
In the list of Top 10 Amazing Flightless Bird, Guam Rail is at no 6. This is the 6th flightless birds in the world and also on our list. This is a small flightless bird and these birds found in the U.S Island territory of Guam.
They are not able to fly because their muscles are not enough strong for flying. The Guam rail disappeared from southern Guam in the early 1970 and was extirpated from the entire island by late 1980.
Because of the introduction of brown tree snakes on the island. But in 1995 more than 100 rails have been introduced on the island of Rota. The scientific name of this bird is Gallirallus owstoni.
5. Flightless Cormorant.
In the list of Top 10 Amazing Flightless Bird, Flightless Cormorant is at no 5. This is the 5th flightless birds in the world and also on our list, this is the only species of cormorant cormorants which is not able to fly.
This bird is only found in the Galapagos Islands. The other name of this bird is Galapagos cormorants. The height of this bird is near about 34 to 40 inches and the weight of this bird is up to 5 kg.
Their wings are too short therefore they are not able to fly. The scientific name of this bird is Phalacrocorax harrisi. This bird is one of the Flightless Birds in the world.
4. Kiwi.
In the list of Top 10 Amazing Flightless Birds, the kiwi bird is no 4. This is the 4th flightless bird in the world and also on our list. This is a very small flightless bird that is native to New Zealand.
Kiwi is the national symbol of New Zealand. This is the smallest bird in the family of non_Flying birds. The height of this bird is near about 20 inches and the weight of this bird is up to 2 pounds.
There are five species of Kiwis which is only found in New-Zealand. The name of these species is here Brown Kiwi, Little Spotted Kiwi, Great Spotted Kiwi, Rowi kiwi, and Tokoeka kiwi. Sadly, all five species of Kiwis are endangered.
The scientific name of this bird is Apteryx. This bird is one of the Flightless Birds in the world.
3. Ostrich.
In the list of Top 10 Amazing Flightless Birds, Ostrich is at no 3. This is the 3rd flightless bird in the world and also on our list. This bird the largest and heaviest flightless bird in the world. These birds found in Africa.
The height of this bird is up to 2 Meters and the weight of a female bird is 100 kg and the weight of a male bird is 120 kg. Because of their heavy body, they are not able to fly.
They are also very dangerous if they become angry Many resources said that the one kick off an Ostrich has enough power to kill an adult human.
They are very fast in running the speed of this bird is 70 km per hour. The scientific name of this bird is Struthio camelus. This bird is one of the Flightless Birds in the world.
2. Kakapo Flightless Bird.
In the list of Top 10 Amazing Flightless Birds, Kakapo is at no 2. This bird is the 2nd flightless bird in the world and also on our list. This bird also is known by its other name owl parrot.
This is a species of parrot that is only found in New Zealand. They are the only flightless parrot in the world. They are excellent climbers and also the heaviest parrot in the world,
who have very short wings and the weight of this parrot is 4 kg. The scientific name of this bird is Strigops. This bird is one of the Flightless Birds in the world.
1. Penguin Flightless Bird.
In the list of Top 10 Amazing Flightless Birds, Penguin is at no 1. This is the top 1st flightless bird in the world and also on our list. This the most famous flightless bird in the world.
There are 17 species of penguins in the world and all of them are not be able to fly. The biggest species of penguin is emperor, The height of the penguin is 4 feet and the weight of this penguin is 35 kg.
This emperor penguin only found in Antarctica. These flightless birds are master in swimming and they are only found in the Southern hemisphere. The scientific name of this bird is Spheniscidae.