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Top 10 Most Beautiful Endangered Animals In The World

Top 10 Most Beautiful Endangered Animals In The World.

Hello friends how are you all today we are going to talk about the Top 10 Most Beautiful Endangered Animals In The World.So friends here is the list of Top 10 Most Beautiful Endangered Animals In The World.

10.Blue Whale.

In the list of Top 10 Most Beautiful Endangered Animals In The World, Blue Whale is at no 10.This is the 10th Most Beautiful Endangered Animals In The World and also on our list.This is a marine mammal which is belonging to the baleen whales.The scientific name of this animal is Balaenoptera musculus.The length of this whale can grow up to 30 Meters and the weight of this whale can grow up to 140,000.This is the heaviest animal in the world.This whale can be found in groups and also alone.The lifespan of this whale is 80 to 110 years.This beautiful and amazing blue whale is in danger because of commercial whaling even though the commercial whaling was banned in 1986, this amazing and magnificent animal facing the risk.

9.Black-Footed Ferret.

In the list of Top 10 Most Beautiful Endangered Animals In The World, Black-footed ferret is at no 9.This is the 9th Most Beautiful Endangered Animals In The World and also on our list.This is the only species of ferret which is only found in North America.This species of a ferret is in danger and now only a few ferrets are alive in this world.The scientific name of this animal is Mustela nigripes.The length of their body can grow up to 25 inches the weight of this animal can grow up to 3 pounds.This animal is also known as American polecat or prairie dog hunter.This species is in danger because of overhunting.

8.Green Sea Turtle.

In the list of Top 10 Most Beautiful Endangered Animals In The World, Green Sea Turtle is at no 8.This is the 8th Most Beautiful Endangered Animals In The World and also on our list.The green sea turtle is also known as the green turtle, black turtle, or Pacific green turtle.This is a large sea turtle which belongs to the Cheloniidae family.The scientific name of this turtle is Chelonia mydas.The weight of this turtle can grow up to 160 kg and the length of this turtle can grow up to 3 feet.They are only found in the subtropical ocean waters all around the world.The main cause of this species of turtles are in danger because of hunting, loss of nesting sights and eggs harvesting.

7.Galapagos Penguin.

In the list of Top 10 Most Beautiful Endangered Animals In The World, Galapagos Penguin is at no 7.This is the 7th Most Beautiful Endangered Animals In The World and also on our list.There are many species of penguins in the world but this species of penguin is in danger.The scientific name of this animal is Spheniscus mendiculus.This animal is only found in the Galapagos Islands.The height of this animal can grow up to 49 cm and the weight of this animal can grow up to 2.5 kg.This species of penguins are in danger because of climate changing and hunting.

6.Iberian Lynx.

In the list of Top 10 Most Beautiful Endangered Animals In The World, Iberian Lynx is at no 6.This is the 6th Most Beautiful Endangered Animals In The World and also on our list.This animal is only found in the Iberian Peninsula in southwestern Europe.This species of Lynx is in danger only less than 400 Iberian Lynx are left in the world.The length of this animal can grow up to 90 cm and the weight of this animal can grows up to 10 kg.The scientific name of this animal is Lynx pardinus.


In the list of Top 10 Most Beautiful Endangered Animals In The World Lemur is at no 5.This is the 5th Most Beautiful Endangered Animals In The World and also on our list.Lemur is an amazing Animal.This animal is only found on the Island of Madagascar on the East coast of Southern Africa.These animals can be found in 30 different species.The Indri is the largest living lemur Species in the world.The weight of this animal can reach up to 10 kg.These s are social animals and live in groups.The lifespan of this animal is 16 to 19 years.There is some source who confirmed that 90% of lemurs are in the risk.

4.Polar Bear.

In the list of Top 10 Most Beautiful Endangered Animals In The World Polar Bear is at no 4.This is the 4th Most Beautiful Endangered Animals In The World and also on our list.Polar bears invest the greater part of the energy in thick ice sheets in Arctic locale. They include thick hide inside their body that assists them to make due to extraordinary icy temperature. They likewise have hide under their paws with the goal that polar bear get enough grasp when they stroll on ice squares.The solid paws likewise encourage polar bears to swim effectively in the ice-filled Arctic sea, swill swim many miles. They have tallness of 6 feet and weights between 500 to 720 kilograms. Polar bears are intense predators of Arctic area, seals turn into their primary preys. They break ice sheets with their solid paws to get seals, they likewise jump at the chance to have angles.These animals are in danger because of the climate changing which is the main reason for their deaths.

3.Red Panda.

In the list of Top 10 Most Beautiful Endangered Animals In The World, Red Panda is at no 3.This is the 3rd Most Beautiful Endangered Animals In The World and also on our list.This is a beautiful animal and this animal is also known as the lesser panda, the red bear-cat, and the red cat-bear.This animal is found in the eastern Himalayas and southwestern China.They spend the day hours in sleeping on the tree branches and only come down at night for finding the food.Only less than 10000 red pandas left in the world.The length of this animal can reach up to 58 cm and the weight of this animal can reach up to 6 kg.The scientific name of this animal is Ailurus fulgens.

2.Siberian Tiger.

In the list of Top 10 Most Beautiful Endangered Animals In The World Tiger is at no 2.This is the 2nd Most Beautiful Endangered Animals In The World and also on our list.Tiger is the largest cat species in the world.The scientific name of this animal is Panthera Tigris.The weight of this animal can grow up to 310 kg and the height of this big cat can grow up to 120 cm.Tiger is stronger and faster than a lion.Tiger is s solitary animal and he lives and hunts alone.This animal can be found in 9 different species and 6 of its species are in danger.Only less than 600 Siberian tigers are left in the world.

1.Snow Leopard.

In the list of Top 10 Most Beautiful Endangered Animals In The World Snow Leopard is at no 1.This is the Most Beautiful Endangered Animal.The snow leopard is also known as Ounce.This is the most amazing animal in the Himalayas.This animal is found in Indian Himalayas and other rocky mountains of Central Asia.This length of this animal can reach up to 1.1 meters and the weight of this animal can reach up to 32 kg.The scientific Endangered Animals name of this animal is Panthera uncia.This animal is in danger because of climate changing.Now today only less than 7000 snow leopards left.

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