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June 25, 2021Hello friends how are you all? Today we are going to talk about Studying For A Degree In Accounting. The job prospects after completing studies are a major consideration for students while evaluating the different career options. Students who want to get a job easily after they get their college degree or certification usually study accounting and finance since trained professionals are always in demand.
Companies of all sizes hire the services of accounting professionals who monitor the cash flow, bank balances and prepare financial statements which are used for decision making. The professionals also help the business keep the financial records which are specified by the government agencies.
Studying For A Degree In Accounting After College
Hence many students are interested in finding suitable schools to take up Degrees in Accounting in Singapore. They can choose to get a basic degree in accounting which will help them get entry-level jobs in different businesses. Most businesses in Singapore will hire staff with at least a basic degree.
Alternatively, they can get a professional certification from a recognized organization. Approximately half the accounting professionals in Singapore are having a professional certification and this helps them improve their career prospects, get better salaries.
Some of the finance and accounting certifications offered by colleges in Singapore are the certified financial analyst (CFA), Singapore chartered accountant (CA), Association of chartered certified accountants (ACCA), and Chartered Accountants in England and wales.
The student can choose the certification based on his career plans, whether he is planning to apply for a job in some other country. Usually, CFA certification is more popular in Australia, while chartered accountants are required in Singapore, England, and other commonwealth countries. For getting the certification the student will often have to work with a certified professional for a few years.
Course Options
Individuals who wish to become financially independent by working part-time will usually prefer to study part-time for their degree. Often after completing their finance or accounting degree, many professionals prefer to work, and also study part-time for their professional certification like CA, CFA.
Hence while evaluating the different colleges, it is necessary to find out which colleges are offering a full-time degree or part-time degree. It is also advisable to choose a college near the residence or workplace, to reduce the time spent commuting to the college daily. Colleges that are located close to the MTR stations are also preferred by many students.
Facilities And Fees
For students who are interested in specializing in a particular field, it is advisable to check the course curriculum, to ensure that the subjects which they are interested in will be covered. It is also recommended that the students check the faculty who will be teaching the different subjects and the facilities for teaching the students.
If the faculty includes industry experts or are well networked, it can help the student later in their career, or help them get better jobs. Though fees for accounting courses are usually less than the fees for engineering, medicine, some students from poorer families may not be able to afford them. These students can apply for scholarships if available, student loans, or other financial assistance.