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October 25, 2017Hello friends how are you all? Today we are going to talk about the Top 10 Amazing Arctic Birds In The World. So friends here is the list of Top 10 Amazing Arctic Birds In The World.
Top 10 Amazing Arctic Birds In The World.
10. Yellow-Billed Loon.
In the list of Top 10 Amazing Arctic Birds In The World Yellow-billed Loon is at no 10. This is the 10th Amazing Arctic Birds In The World and also on our list. This is a very beautiful bird which is mostly found in Arctic tundra.
This beautiful bird is also known as the white-billed diver. Yellow-Billed Loon is the largest member of the loon or diver family.
The scientific name of this beautiful bird is Gavia adamsii. The length of this bird can reach up to 35 inches. The length of its wingspan can reach up to 55 inches.
9. Rock Ptarmigan.
In the list of Top 10 Amazing Arctic Birds In The World, Rock Ptarmigan is at no 9. This is the 9th Amazing Arctic Birds In The World and also on our list. This is a very beautiful and gamebird in the grouse family.
The beautiful bird is simply known as ptarmigan in UK and Canada. The scientific name of this beautiful bird is Lagopus muta.
There are two other species of ptarmigan. They are mostly found in the hills regions of the Northern Arctic. The color of this bird is changing according to the season, in the winter season.
Their color becomes pure white and in the summer season, their color becomes white with grayish-brown plumage.
8. Peregrine Falcon.
In the list of Top 10 Amazing Arctic Birds In The World Peregrine Falcon is at no 8. This is the 8th Amazing Arctic Birds In The World and also on our list.
This is a very beautiful bird that is found in every part of the world except New Zealand, Antarctica, and Iceland. Peregrine Falcon is the fastest living bird in the world. This bird is also known as the peregrine.
This amazing bird is historically known as the duck hawk in North America. The scientific name of this bird is Falco peregrinus.
The length of its wingspan is 120 cm. The maximum flying speed of this bird is 242 miles per hour.
7. Buff-Breasted Sandpiper.
In the list of Top 10 Amazing Arctic Birds In The World, Buff-Breasted Sandpiper is at no 7. This is the 7th Amazing Arctic Birds In The World and also on our list. This is very beautiful and a small shorebird.
The scientific name of this bird is Tryngites subruficollis. This beautiful bird is only found in different regions of Arctic tundra only in the mating season.
This is a migratory bird, in the non-mating season they migrate to South America. They are very attractive and beautiful birds.
6. Steller’s Eider.
In the list of Top 10 Amazing Arctic Birds In The World Steller’s Eider is at no 6. This is the 6th Amazing Arctic Birds In The World and also on our list.
This is a very beautiful bird which is a smallish sea duck and they are only found in the Arctic coasts of eastern Siberia and Alaska.
The scientific name of this bird is Polysticta stelleri. The length of this bird can reach up to 45 cm. This is a migratory bird, in winter season they migrate in the shape of large flocks to the Bering Sea.
5. Snow Goose.
In the list of Top 10 Amazing Arctic Birds In The World, Snow Goose is at no 5. This is the 5th Amazing Arctic Birds In The World and also on our list. This is a very beautiful bird that is found in the different regions of the arctic tundra.
The scientific name of this bird is Chen caerulescens. The length of this bird can reach up to 70 cm and the weight of this bird can reach up to 2.5 kg.
This is also a migratory bird, in winter season these beautiful birds migrate to the Southern regions of the USA. They are also good swimmers.
4. Ruddy Turnstone.
In the list of Top 10 Amazing Arctic Birds In The World, Ruddy Turnstone is at no 4. This is the 4th Amazing Arctics Birds In The World and also on our list. This is a very beautiful and small wading bird.
Ruddy Turnstone is one of the species of turnstone. The scientific name of this beautiful bird is Arenaria interpres. They are very strong and migratory birds.
They are found in the rocky regions of the Arctic. The length of this bird can reach up to 22 cm. The color of this bird is reddish-brown with plumage.
In winter season these beautiful birds migrate to North America, South Asia, and South Pacific islands, Europe and Africa.
3. Snowy Owl.
In the list of Top 10 Amazing Arctics Birds In The World, Snowy Owl is at no 3. This is the 3rd Amazing Arctics Birds In The World and also on our list. They are just found in ice locale in North America and Eurasia.
The color of the male snowy owl is different from the female snowy owl. The color of the male snowy owl is pure white on the opposite side the color of the female snowy owl is white with more dark spots.
They are exceptionally clever. The scientific name of this bird Bubo scandiacus. The length of this bird grown-up to 63 to 73 cm and weight is 2 kg. This is the arctic bird in the world.
2. Snow Bunting.
In the list of Top 10 Amazing Arctics Birds In The World Snow Bunting is at no 2. This is the 2nd Amazing Arctics Birds In The World and also on our list. This is a very beautiful and small bird.
Wich only found in rocky regions of Arctic tundra. Snow Bunting bird is also known as the snowflake. The scientific name of this bird is Plectrophenax nivalis.
The color of male and female birds are different from each other. In mating season the color of the male bird has become black and the color of the female bird becomes grayish black.
The male birds can survive in -30 degrees Celsius. This is the arctic bird in the world.
1. Arctic Tern.
In the list of Top 10 Amazing Arctics Birds In The World, Arctic Tern is at no 1. This is the Most Amazing Arctics Birds In The World and also on our list.
This is an extremely wonderful bird found in ice and sub cold areas like Ice tern is firmly transient flying creature species.
They reproducing in the Arctic area and flies to Antarctic drift in the next winter season. In that way, Arctic tern turned into the fowl that sees more light than some other species on Earth.
Their yearly round excursion covers a separation of 70900 kilometers. Ice tern has a medium estimated body, having the length up to 15 inches and their wingspans measure up to 85 centimeters.
They make settle inside inland’s of Arctic area, just at the time of rearing. In the winter season, they relocate to the Antarctic locale.
Its shedding wing quills additionally begin at that season. So they end up noticeably flightless around then, invested all that energy in squares of ice.