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September 25, 2017Top 10 Most Rarest Flower In The World.
Hello friends how are you all today we are going to talk about the Top 10 Most Rarest Flower In The World With All Of Their Details? So friends here is the list of Top 10 Most Rare Flowers In The World.
10.Kadupul Flower.
In the list of Top 10 Most Rarest Flower In The World, Kadupul Flower is at no 10. This is the 10th Most Rare Flowers In The World and also on our list. Kadupul is the most beautiful and rare flower in the world.
Its Rareness and beauty make it a very special flower. The main place where you can found Kadupul is forests of Sri Lanka. Only some peoples are lucky who got a chance to see and feel the beauty of Kadupul flower.
Kadupul only blooms at midnight. It is not only beautiful its fragrance is also very pleasant.it is one of the most expensive flowers in the world because it has a short lifespan. This is one of the Rare Flowers in the world.
9.Campion Flower.
In the list of Top 10 Most Rarest Flower In The World, Campion Flower is at no 9. This is the 9th Most Rarest Flower In The World and also on our list. Campion is a very beautiful flower. its second name is Silene tomentosa.
it only found in British territory called Gibraltar. its fragrance is weak and it blooms in the evening. It has a short lifespan. In 1992 the team of the botanical section of Gibraltar told that no more Campion flowers left and it became very rare in the world.
But in 1994 a Climber at the cliffs of Gibraltar told that Campion Flowers still Exist but only in wild places. Nowadays Campion only found in gardens of Gibraltar and London but in few numbers.
8.Ghost Orchid Flower.
In the list of Top 10 Most Rarest Flower In The World, Ghost Orchid Flower is at no 8. This is the 8th Most Rarest Flower In The World and also on our list. Ghost is the rarest flower in the world. It looks like a spider web.
It found in Cuba and Florida. The ghost orchid is a rare, spider web like a flower that grows in Cuba and Florida. Due to its natural environmental conditions, it is very difficult to plant this flower.it needs high sunlight and humidity. Due to these conditions, Ghost orchid became very rare in the world.
This flower has no leaves only stem and flower appear in green color. So if you reach the place where this flower grows still it is difficult for you to find Ghost orchid.it gets energy from other plants.it blooms for three weeks in the month of April and August. This is one of the Rare Flowers in the world.
7.Chocolate Cosmos Flower.
In the list of Top 10 Most Rarest Flower In The World, Chocolate Cosmos Flower is at no 7. This is the 7th Most Rarest Flower In The World and also on our list. Chocolate cosmos is a beautiful and rare flower in the world.
it found in Mexico. Chocolate cosmos gets its name after its chocolate-like odor on blooming. The color of this flower is deep red and brown.it blooms in the evening of summer season only. This pretty flower has been extinct in the world wild areas.
But it reproduced by the vegetation in 1902. Now only the clone (copy) of original chocolate cosmos available. The places where this flower grows are protected by Law. This is one of the Rare Flowers in the world.
6.Parrot’s Beak Flower.
In the list of Top 10 Most Rarest Flower In The World Parrot’s beak Flower is at no 6.This is the 6th Most Rarest Flower In The World and also on our list. There is no doubt that Parrot’s beak is one of the rarest and beautiful flowers in the world.it found in canary islands. Due to its curvature, it gets name parrot’s beak.
This flower blooms in spring and needs only cool temperature Problem with temperature can cause the death of this flower. But we may miss this beautiful flower in short time only some of the flowers exist today.
This flower starts to be rare in 1984. The places where this flower survives are protected by Law. This is one of the Rare Flowers in the world.
5.Youtan Poluo Flower.
In the list of Top 10 Most Rarest Flower In The World, Youtan Poluo Flower is at no 5.This is the 5th Most Rarest Flower In The World and also on our list. Youtan Poluo is one of the rarest and interesting plants in the world.
It is said to be that this flower blooms only once every 3000 years. The stories said that blooming of this flower is an indication of reincarnation of Buddha-Religion. That’s why it blooms only after 3000 years.
Its look is not like a flower it is very tinny in look. The founder of this flower was a Chinese person name Mr.Ding.it found in China, Korea, Taiwan and in the US in rare times. This is one of the Rare Flowers in the world.
4.Yellow And Purple Lady Slippers Flower.
In the list of Top 10 Most Rarest Flower In The World Yellow and Purple Lady Slippers, Flower is at no 4.This is the 4th Most Rarest Flower In The World and also on our list. Yellow and purple lady slippers are beautiful and rare flowers.
They belong to the Orchid family.it found mainly in London. The combination of purple and yellow is very rare. Only 3/4th part of this flower is yellow and remaining is the purple color.
The yellow and purple lady flowers and very rare in the world. They are the most expensive flowers in the world. These flowers are protected by the Law of London. This is one of the Rare Flowers in the world.
3.Corpse Flower.
In the list of Top 10 Most Rarest Flower In The World, Corpse Flower is at no 3. This is the 3rd Most Rarest Flower In The World and also on our list. The corpse flower is the largest or rare flower.it is the smelliest flower in the world.
This flower only found in Low-lying rain-forests of Indonesia. They only bloom once in every 30 or 40 years. The leaf of this flower grows up the height of 20 feet.
The leaf of Corpse flower is green from the outer side and dark red from inner. This flower is protected by Law. This is one of the Rare Flowers in the world.
2.Jade Vine Flower.
In the list of Top 10 Most Rarest Flower In The World, Jade Vine Flower is at no 2. This is the 2nd Most Rarest Flower In The World and also on our list. Jade Vine is a rare and beautiful flower in the world.
It belongs to the family of pea and bean. It only found in the rain-forest of the Philippines. They are claw-shaped flowers. They grow up to 3 meters.
The color of this flower is blue and light green. This flower sometimes pollinated by bats. It can be only found in the rain-forest of the Philippines. This is one of the Rare Flowers in the world.
1.Middlemist Red Flower.
In the list of Top 10 Most Rarest Flower In The World, Middlemist Red Flower is at no 1. This is the Most Rarest Flower In The World and also on our list. This is the most beautiful flower name middle mist red is one of the rare flowers in the world.
Only two species of this flower lefts in the world in the gardens of New Zealand and green house garden of the United Kingdom. The person who bought this beautiful flower from China to the UK in 1804 name John middlemost a nurseryman.
when this flower gets washed from china surprisingly again cultivated in the gardens of London.its color is deep pink look like a rose. The botanists are in search of the related member of this flower.