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January 17, 2023Hello friends how are you all? Today we are going to talk about Tips For Maintaining Your Independence As You Get Older. Many seniors wish to remain in their homes for the remainder of their days rather than transition to assisted living centers or nursing homes. It’s called aging in place, and it should be an option.
According to one report, older people in the U.S. are more likely to live alone than anywhere else across the planet. In fact, 27% of U.S. adults who are 60 or older live alone versus 16% of adults in 130 nations and territories studied. But as people get older, they may require help with their day-to-day affairs. Getting that help can be the key to maintaining a degree of independence.
If you’re a senior who wants to maintain your independence and live on your own, here are some tips that can help you accomplish this objective.
Tips For Maintaining Your Independence As You Get Older
Exercise Regularly
Seniors require no less than 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity physical activity, such as brisk walking. Otherwise, they require 75 minutes per week of high-intensity physical activity like running, hiking, or jogging. Do as much exercise as your mobility and condition allow.
Doing the right mix of exercises can strengthen your muscles, improve your mobility, and sharpen your coordination, You can also ward off or delay the onset of health issues that are common as people start to age. If you stay fit and have fun doing so, you’ll look and feel better.
Eat Right
Suppose you want to be healthy and maintain your independence as much as possible. In that case, you need to eat right. Consuming plenty of fruits and vegetables, nuts, legumes, fish, and poultry — while reducing consumption of refined grains, sugar, and processed meats — will help you to get the proper fuel. Get used to eating healthy, well-balanced meals for good health over the long haul.
Ensure Your Home Is Safe
Making your home safe can also help you remain independent in your own home longer. According to one source, falls and motor vehicle accidents — two things connected to mobility issues — are the two main causes of injury and death among older adults.
The CDC adds that a senior falls every second of every day. What can you do to help prevent falls at home? You can install a chair lift if required, install lights in dark areas, replace carpeting with safer flooring, get rid of clutter, ensure cords are not strewn about and do things of this nature. If you can make your home safer, it’ll be easier for you to remain there for longer than might otherwise be the case.
Get Home Care If Needed
Another way to remain independent and remain in your home is to get home care. If you choose the right source, you can get help with cooking, cleaning, physiotherapy, bathing, personal hygiene, and other essential things. Getting help means you can maintain an element of independence. And there are options where you can choose a family or friend as your home care service provider. It’s covered by Medicaid, and the service provider will be paid promptly at the end of every shift. So, if you don’t want a stranger in your home, this can be a great option.
These are some suggestions that can help you maintain some independence. Some people want to remain in the homes they’ve bought, raised families in, and had many good times in. So, getting older doesn’t have to mean packing up your stuff and moving to a nursing home.
If you’re getting close to retirement or have already reached that point, you’ll want to have a plan in place just in case you need some help with healthcare or day-to-day responsibilities. It is possible to live out your golden years on your own terms — even if you require a bit of help.