Home » Top 5 Most Famous Sufi Shrines In Pakistan

Top 5 Most Famous Sufi Shrines In Pakistan

Top 5 Famous Sufi Shrines In Pakistan.

Hello friends how are you all? Today we are going to talk about the Top 5 Most Famous Sufi Shrines in Pakistan. So friends here is the list of Top 5 Most Famous Sufi Shrines in Pakistan.

5.Shrine of Ghulam Farid Shakar Ganj.

In the list of Top 5 Most Famous Sufi Shrines in Pakistan Shrine of Ghulam Farid Shakar Ganj is at no 5. This is the 5th Most Famous Sufi Shrines in Pakistan and also on our list. The shrine located in Pakpatan sharif.

This is the beautiful shrine of Fareeduddin Masood Ganjshakar. He is popularly known as Baba Farid. He is a Sufi saint belonging to Chishti clan of the Muslims.

The white shrine made of marble in Pakpattan and also said to have a Bahishtī Darwāza, or ‘Gate of Paradise’.

4.Shrine of Hazrat BahaudDin Zakaria.

In the list of Top 5 Most Famous Sufi Shrines in Pakistan Shrine of Hazrat Baha-ud-Din Zakaria is at no 4. This is the 4th Most Famous Sufi Shrines in Pakistan and also on our list. This shrine located in Multan.

Multan is Known as the city of saints. Shrines of many Sufi saints are in Multan. Multan is the resting place of famous Sufi saint Hazrat Baha-ud-Din Zakaria.

The beautiful shrine of this Sufi was built in 1267 made from red bricks. This shrine suffered during the British rule but restored by people who believe.

3.Shrine of Abdullah Shah Ghazi.

In the list of Top 5 Most Famous Sufi Shrines in Pakistan Shrine of Abdullah Shah Ghazi is at no 3. This is the 3rd Most Famous Sufi Shrine in Pakistan and also on our list. This shrine located in the largest city of Pakistan Karachi.

That is the shrine of Abdullah Shah, Ghazi. The beautiful shrine was built about 10 century ago. This shrine is located on a hill in the coastal area.

It is believed that saint protects the city from Threats. This is one of the most Famous Sufi Shrines.

2.Shrine of Lal Shahbaz Qalandar.

In the list of Top 5 Most Famous Sufi Shrines in Pakistan Shrine of Lal Shahbaz Qalandar is at no 2. This is the 2nd Most Famous Sufi Shrine in Pakistan and also on our list. Sehwan Sharif located in Jamshoro District of Sindh province in Pakistan.

Sehwan Sharif is a shrine of Sufi saint Syed Muhammad Usman Marwandi. He is popularly known as Lal Shahbaz Qalandar, was a 12th century Sufi. The saint is famous not only for Muslims but Hindus as well.

1.Data Darbar.

In the list of Top 5 Most Famous Sufi Shrines Data Darbar is at no 1. This is the Most Famous Sufi Shrine in Pakistan and also on our list. Data Darbar located in the city which people called the heart of Pakistan, Lahore.

Data Darbar is a shrine of Sufi saint Hazrat Abdul Hasan Hajvery. Hazrat Hajvery knew from the name Data Ganj Baksh. This is one of the oldest Sufi Shrine in South Aisa.

Sultan Zakiruddin Ibrahim made this beautiful shrine in the 11th century. Ibrahim was one of the rules of Ghaznavi’s time. This darbar located near Bhatti gate. 

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