Home » 8 Bicycle Safety Tips Every Cyclist Needs To Know

8 Bicycle Safety Tips Every Cyclist Needs To Know

Hello friends how are you all? Today we are going to talk about the 8 Ways to Avoid a Bicycle Accident The best Bicycle Safety Tips. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 938 bicyclists were killed in traffic crashes in 2020. Unfortunately, not all car drivers pay as much attention to cyclists as they should.

If you’re ever in a bicycle accident with another vehicle, you should contact a local attorney immediately. For example, if you are in Enfield, CT, you should consult an experienced Enfield bicycle accident attorney. A bicycle accident can lead to injury, disability, or worse, and you and your family deserve to be fairly compensated.

Of course, it’s best to avoid getting into a bicycle accident altogether. To do this, here are some precautions you should take:

8 Ways to Avoid a Bicycle Accident In 2024 Bicycle Safety Tips

8 Ways to Avoid a Bicycle Accident 2024 Bicycle Safety Tips

Choose The Right Sized Bike

Having the right sized bike goes a long way in protecting you on the road. How? If your bike is the wrong size, it will be harder to handle and control, which makes getting into an accident more likely.

So before you buy a bike, check to make sure it fits you properly. You can consult a sizing chart online or ask the salesman at the bikeshop to help you.

Bike sizes are generally based on your height. As a rule, you want there to be two inches of space between your groin and the bike seat when you’re standing.

Check Your Bike

Before each ride, it’s important to check your bike to make sure it’s in good working condition. Here’s what to inspect:

    • The tires. Check the tire pressure and make sure you don’t have any flats. Riding on flat tires isn’t safe.
    • The brakes. Spin each wheel with one hand and then press on the brake with the other. If the wheel doesn’t come to a stop, you may need to tighten or replace your brake pads.
    • The chain. Your chain should run smoothly across the bike gears. If it’s dry, rusty, or squeaky, you may want to lubricate it with some bike chain oil.

Always Wear A Helmet

According to the Federal Highway Administration, bike helmets are 85 to 88 percent effective in mitigating head and brain injuries, making the use of helmets the single most effective way to reduce head injuries and fatalities resulting from bicycle crashes.

So whether or not your state laws require you to wear a helmet, you should. It could save your life!

Make sure your helmet is a good fit. An ill-fitting helmet won’t protect your head as it should.

Also, keep in mind that helmets are designed to crack when hit to absorb the impact. So you shouldn’t reuse a helmet once it’s been damaged. It won’t protect your skull.

Make Yourself Visible

Many bike accidents are the result of drivers failing to see bicyclists. To prevent this from happening to you, make yourself as visible as possible.

You can do this by wearing bright or reflective clothing or turning on your bike headlights—anything to be more conspicuous and make yourself known.

Avoid Distractions

Being distracted while riding your bike increases the risk of getting into an accident. You need to keep your eyes and mind on the road so that you can react quickly to traffic and other obstacles.

Some distractions include listening to music with headphones and using your phone. Both lower your reaction time and make it harder to stay aware of your surroundings. So don’t get distracted. It’s not worth the risk.

Keep Both Hands On The Handlebars (Except When Signalling A Turn)

Though you may be able to ride your bike with one hand (or even no hands), it’s better not to. You never know when you’ll ride over a pothole or uneven surface, which could knock you off balance.

If you always have two hands on the handlebars, you’ll have better control over your bike to avoid an accident. Of course, you’ll need to take one hand off occasionally to make turn signals.

Don’t Drink Alcohol Or Take Drugs

Drinking alcohol and taking drugs is bad enough for your health as it is. But when you’re riding your bike, it can be deadly.

That’s because riding under the influence impairs your judgment and makes you more reckless. For example, you might swerve into oncoming traffic or ride into a sign post. So it’s better to not take any chances. Ride sober. Besides, it’s the law.

Ride Defensively

Lastly, one of the best ways to avoid a bicycle accident is to ride defensively. Again, drivers may not see you, so it’s best to assume they don’t.

Stay alert. Keep an eye on traffic, watch out for road obstacles, and maintain situational awareness. You never know when something unexpected will happen.

Other ways to ride defensively include planning your route (look for bike paths, less traffic, and slower speeds), following traffic laws (by obeying street signs, signals, and road markings), riding predictably (don’t ride too fast and stay off the sidewalk), and minding road, traffic, and weather conditions (check the forecast before you ride).

Final Thoughts About Bicycle Safety Tips 

If you follow these guidelines, you’re much less likely to get in a bike accident.

That said, some accidents are unavoidable. If you get hit by a car, be sure to consult an experienced bike accident attorney as soon as possible. They’ll be able to help protect your rights and get you the best resolution.

Most injury attorneys charge on a contingency basis, too, which means you won’t have to pay them anything unless you win your case. So you have nothing to lose.

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