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October 13, 2022
The Theory Of Taxation Of Cryptocurrencies In India
October 19, 2022Hello friends how are you all? Today we are going to talk Taxation Of Cryptocurrency Around The Globe. Talking about taxes on cryptocurrency, just like Crypto tax in India which is 30%, let’s talk about the taxation of cryptocurrencies globally:
Taxation Of Cryptocurrency Around The Globe 2024
The IRS in the United States considers bitcoin to be a capital asset, which means that any profits made from selling them must be taxed. In other words, if you kept the security for one year or less, you will pay short-term capital gains tax, and if you held it for more than one year, you will pay long-term capital gains tax.
There is no taxation if you merely purchase cryptocurrency. In theory, if you merely hold your bitcoin, you can dodge taxation forever. Only if you sell or swap your cryptocurrency at a profit will you be taxed.
If you sell them within a year, the tax rate on Bitcoin capital gains ranges from 0% to 37%. If the bitcoin is maintained for more than a year, the applicable tax rate is significantly lower, ranging from 0% to 15%, or even up to 20%, depending on the individual or combined marital income.
In Canada, cryptocurrency is not regarded as fiat money. Instead, it is regarded as a commodity, which is a type of capital asset similar to a stock or a rental property. If your cryptocurrency is taxed as income, you will have to pay income tax on the entire proceeds of a cryptocurrency transaction. If your cryptocurrency is treated as a capital gain, you will only be taxed on half of any earnings from a crypto transaction.
In terms of income tax, you will pay 15% to 33% of your taxable income, based on the ranges shown below. Your cryptocurrency investments can be tracked by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). The CRA declared that they are collaborating with cryptocurrency exchanges to share client information. They’re utilizing this data to track Canadian cryptocurrency investors to verify they’re appropriately reporting their crypto investments and paying their due share of crypto tax.
United Kingdom:
In the United Kingdom, there is no Bitcoin or cryptocurrency tax. Instead, your cryptocurrency will be subject to either Capital Gains Tax or Income Tax. The crypto tax you’ll pay is determined by the exact transactions you make with your cryptocurrency. If you are found to be earning money, you must pay income tax. If you are found to have made a capital gain, you must pay Capital Gains Tax.
The United Kingdom does not have separate rates for short-term and long-term capital gains. Capital gains are all taxed at the same rates. The amount of Capital Gains Tax you will pay is determined on your earnings.
Depending on your tax bracket, you’ll pay either 10% or 20% tax on any cryptocurrency earnings. This will, of course, be determined by the total taxable income, profit margin, and deducted allowances.
The Australian Taxation Office considers bitcoin to be an asset and levies Capital Gains Tax and Income Tax on it (ATO). If you acquired, sold, or earned interest on cryptocurrencies in the previous fiscal year, you must declare your cryptocurrency totals on your Income Tax Return.
Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are not considered money or foreign currency by the Australian government. Instead, the ATO considers cryptocurrency to be property and an asset for Capital Gains Tax (CGT) purposes.
When you sell your cryptocurrency, you trigger a CGT event. To dispose means to sell, gift, trade, exchange, convert, or utilize cryptocurrency to purchase goods. Importantly, if you hold for a year before selling, you will pay 50% less tax on your crypto earnings.
Talking about taxes, BINOCS is one such platform where you can manage your crypto wallet tax, portfolio and much more with a completely hassle free process.