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6 Tips To Choose The Right Podcast Hosting Platform

Hello friends how are you all? Today we are going to talk about the 6 Tips To Choose The Right Podcast Hosting Platform. Podcast production is a lengthy, in-depth process, and you need to decide upon the individual elements for successful completion carefully. In the pre-planning and prep stages, you brainstorm, research, and outline the format and content.

After that follows the recording or production phase, followed by the post-production phase; in this phase, the file is edited, exported/imported, tags are added, and imagery for the cover art is created. The final phase is the distribution and promotion phase, in which you upload the podcast, embed and share it, and subsequently monetize it.

6 Tips To Choose The Right Podcast Hosting Platform

It would be best if you launched your podcast on the proper media host. A podcast host allows you to create, distribute, host, and monetize your podcast with ease. Podcast hosting is a specialized service to store and distribute your podcast’s audio files. It provides an RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feed to submit your show to different directories. A podcast RSS feed contains information about your presentation and its episodes. Once you link your podcast hosting and directory, the podcast’s listing will update automatically. 

A podcast host includes analytics, web players, and scheduling tools, enabling you to publish and grow your website quickly. Some podcast hosting platforms also have ad networks, social sharing features, and other distribution features that expand your audience outreach. The analytics and statistics tab enables the subscribers to monetize better.

The global podcasting market size was valued at USD 9.28 billion in 2019. Podcasts are a popular digital medium in the present times, and hence you need to choose a suitable platform that will support your podcast rightly. If you have recently initiated your podcast expedition, you can also find free podcast hosting sites online that will give you statistics, an RSS feed, and other essential features. To choose the right podcast host, look for the following features.

6 Things To Consider To Choose The Right Podcast Hosting Platform

Upload, Storage, And Bandwidth Limits.

Generally, the podcast authors are offered three types of limits on podcast hosting: monthly upload limits, total storage limits, and bandwidth limits. Some podcasting hosts set a standard for monthly uploads, while others put a limit for unlimited storage. Even if you start on a small scale, you will eventually want to expand it over time as your shows grow in length or frequency.

If you’re going to choose a platform based on the total storage limit metric, you will have to consider how long you want your podcasts to be available. Podcast audio can take up a significant amount of storage space. When you are selecting a podcast host, you can look for a platform that offers unlimited audio storage space so that you can stock up any number of media files for as long as you want.

Website Integrations.

As you start your new podcast, you need to have a website. It will act as a central hub for your podcast to effectively attract new listeners and promote your podcast. Your listeners can also access the transcript of your podcast from your website. While choosing a podcast hosting platform, you can check if it has dedicated podcast WordPress podcasting plugins so that you can get your show up and running in no time.

Create your RSS feed.

An RSS feed is a formatted text document that includes all the details about your show. It consists of more information such as title, description, episode titles, links to the audio files for the episodes, and more. Choose a podcast host that allows you to create or copy an existing RSS feed easily so that you can submit your show’s RSS feed URL to the directories.

Statistics And Analytics Tab.

The podcast hosting platform should consist of an analytics and statistics tab that allows you to gather and analyze listener data. With this, you can get an insight into your audience, who is listening to you, and from what platform. The podcast host should help you collect real-time data about your unique downloads to be better positioned to plan and host successful podcasts. The right podcast analytics tools will help you track and improve your performance. It will also enable you to pitch the right sponsors for advertisements.

Content Repurposing Services.

Content repurposing involves remodeling or building upon existing content to increase your podcast traffic. The main motive behind repurposing your content is to reach new listeners. The podcast host should provide you with tools to repurpose your content and publish your podcast across significant directories. It will make your creation more accessible to a broader audience.

Monetization Support.

The podcast host should provide support for monetization. Choose a growth-oriented podcast hosting service that allows you to share your podcast easily. It should allow you to generate revenues by selling ads, sponsorships, joining an advertising network, selling repurposed content, or syndicating your show to channels for improved accessibility of your podcasts.

To Conclude:

The right podcast hosting platform will help you to launch, grow, and run your show. If it consists of built-in uploading, recording, and editing tools, you can easily create and publish your episodes and use your RSS feed to publish them to various directories. With this, you will be able to generate revenue and drive growth and success for your podcast.

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